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Totally managable but life changing resolutions

Happy New year everyone. I hope whatever you chose to do to mark the end of 2014, you had a good time.
Being publicans my husband had to open til late, so I spent my new year hanging out with Froggy, til he crashed at 8.30, then I just got an early night with a glass of bucks fizz and Mad Men box set. It's a glam life.

In the same way that I'm not really one for NyE celebrations, I don't really do new years resolutions either. But this year I thought of six resolutions, that are totally manageable but hopefully will change our lives.

A photo posted by Hannah Newman (@hippiemama.inpearls) on
1. De-clutter - what I no longer need I will give away. We are very blessed. We aren't rich. We don't own a property or a posh car. But you know what we have enough. Our business keeps a roof over our head. 2014 has been a good year. So what we have in excess we will share.

2. Make (and grow) more- from clothes to food. I have enjoyed the last year spent avoiding supermarkets. I think self reliance teaches you respect for your food and possessions. We started our allotment in June. We are still eating food we harvested in October. It's a pretty awesome feeling.
grow food at home

3. Buy less- not to be economical, but to be considerate as a consumer. Black Friday was a dawn of the dead style eye opener for me. It's scary how obsessed we are with material possessions. 2015 will be all about make do and mend, or borrow and lend.

4. Read more- I sucked at actually reading this year. I spent to much time watching or listening. This year I want to read more. Especially as I start my Psychology degree in February.

new years resolutions

5. Spend more time outside- from the allotment to nature walks. The whole family is happier when we have spent some time outside.

6. Wake up earlier- the day is more mine when I'm the first out of bed. It gives me a little much needed me time, and brain space to organise the day ahead.

What do you think of my resolutions? And what are yours for this year?


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