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Sowing in January- kitchen garden and allotments

growing vegetables in January

What can I grow this January? After the business of December, January
has hit me like a sledgehammer. I'm bored. I need a new project, and what I really want to do is get on top of my allotment and kitchen garden.

vegetables and fruit to sow in january

Last year we didn't start the kitchen garden till March, and we didn't get the keys of the allotment til the end of May. In hindsight we did pretty well to get any crops from these spaces. But with a baby due in May this year I really need the head start.

what to grow in january
It might seem like January is a bad month to start growing produce, but provided you have a space to start growing indoors, or you buy one of those cheap plastic greenhouses (my mini one was £15) there's a wide variety of plants you can get on and grow.
outdoor activities for kids january
Most of all, whilst sowing plants now isn't a necessary activity, it certainly is a good way to get motivated to enjoy the garden early, one which my 16 month old doesn't refuse!

What to grow now- January

  1. Leeks- sow thinly in 4 inch pots, in a place safe from frost, sprinkle a fine layer of compost on top. They will be ready to plant out in April.
  2. Onions- grow very much the same as leeks, as they are from the same family.
  3. when to grow onions january
  4. Cauliflower- start a small tray off now for staggered harvest in the Autumn.
  5. when to plant cauliflower january
  6. Potatoes- early varities can be chitted now in an egg box, ready to plant in two weeks time.
  7. chitting potatoes in january
  8. Strawberries- now it's nearly February you can plant a couple of seeds now for an early crop. It's best to stagger, unless you want a glut of fruit.


  1. We love growing our own vegetables and have just got all of our seeds for this year. Its great getting the little ones involved too x #TWTWC Kirsty @ Hijacked By Twins

    1. I'm like quite woman possessed when I'm seed shopping. It is such a good way to keep little ones busy year round. My little chap loves our daily potter around the garden :)

  2. Really interesting and useful post. We would love to grow our own but we don't have much room (maybe when we move). Thanks for linking up to #TheList x

    1. Loved the list this week so many lovely posts. Hope the move goes smoothly. I will be published my guide to container growing soon. So that may be of interest :)

  3. I wish we could start doing this - we're in the process of buying a house so I guess we'll have to wait until next year to start our proper "grown your own"! Great guide :)

    Thanks for linking up to #TWTWC xx

    1. Pleasure it's such a nice calming link up on a Sunday :) I'm in the process of writing a growing fruit and veg in pots post so will share that when it's ready. Lots of fast cropping / happy to move vegetables out there :)

  4. Super excited to see this post, I grew a few herbs last year in my window but I knew we were looking to move. Now we've moved and have a small garden I shall I planting some veg- I'm sure my 15month old will help out too ;-) xx

    1. My son is 16 months and he absolutely adores "helping" . He's not to great at the allotment yet (it's about 25 minutes walk away) but he is getting there. Look forward to seeing more of your veggiea

  5. Thanks so much for sharing this - me and my OH were talking only the other day about what we can start sowing now. We love growing things but we are a bit clueless. Gotta start somewhere, right? Gonna spend some time in the garden this week I think! Thanks again, this is a really useful post!


    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx


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