The whole world seems to be talking about breastfeeding, whether we are discussing where women should nurse in public, or demanding that facebook and instagram #freethenipple, there's plenty of controversy and stigma attached to something which in essence is really simple. When I say simple, its simple as in pushing a boulder up hill is simple (to paraphrase Lauren Laverne). It can be draining both physically and more often mentally when first getting started. We lack any consistent network of support in the UK, and here, our rate of breastfeeding success is dropping. Consequently, the biggest topic of discussion seems to be whether or not breastfeeding is actually beneficial at all. Since becoming a mum, I've seen so many articles in national papers discussing this (I've even been in one) 90% of the time these articles are written by mums who chose not to continue breastfeeding in the early days. Many of these articles quote recent Harvard research undertaken on sib
Celebrating Alternative Parenting Breastfeeding, Baby Wearing, Cloth Nappies & Attachment Parenting