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Goats cheese bubble and squeak recipe

It's January which means everyone is on either a health or budget overhaul. There's all sorts of nasty bugs in circulation, so eating healthy at this time of year is particularly important.
We all know that veggies are good for us, but did you know that goats cheese is a superfood with lots of health benefits?
I didn't until this week, so I picked some up to add extra flavour to our meat free meals. This recipe is particularly frugal as it uses left over potatoes from Sunday roast, but even if you were to make it for scratch you could still put this tasty nutritious meal on the table for less than 60p a portion.

 Superfood goats cheese bubble and squeak

Ingredients for bubble and squeak

600g cooked potatoes, then mashed
200g cooked cabbage (I chop into chunks so it's easier for my toddler to eat)
100g organic goats cheese

Mix well together and then roll into balls (8/10 or two per person)

Roasted beetroot, carrot and onions

3 beetroot
3 carrots
3 onions

All cubed into about 1.5cm chunks for quick cooking, then placed into a roasting tray

Save the peelings! Including the onion skin. We can use it to make a yummy beetroot gravy

Simply place all the peelings in a pan of boiling water, ideally the left over water from cooking the cabbage or the potatoes. Simmer for 10 minutes,  then strain all the peelings out.
Add a table spoon of tomato puree and cornstarch to thicken.

How to cook bubble and squeak

This meal is quick to prepare, so I've made it and popped it the fridge, ready to cook later.

The bubble and squeak will need 35-45 minutes in a hot oven (or you can fry them).

The roasted veg will need 25 minutes, and the gravy just needs warming through to order.

I like this recipe because nothing is wasted, and all of the ingredients are readily available and cheap now at markets and grocers. You can buy sacks of carrots and potatoes for a few pound each, and I got my red onions for less then £1.50 a sack.

We feed the cooked peelings to our chickens, who currently working hard motivating our garden for spring sowing.
recipes for homegrown beetroot


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