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Christmas Pate Recipe

christmas pate recipe
Making your own pate may seem like a headache, but it's incredibly simple. This pate recipe require very few ingredients and can be made up in a few minutes.
Nothing makes for a cosier winter night in that a delicious pate, some cheese and a bottle of wine. It's one of my favourite moments of the run up to Christmas. Being able to sit with my husband and enjoy a moment of clam whilst wrapping gifts or writing cards.
pub pate recipe
This is the exact recipe I've been using in our pub for the last 3 and a half years. It's refined to perfection and can be made up in a snap.
500g or 1lb of pork liver- my butcher charges less than £3 for this
One large onion
One tsp dried red chilli
One tsp cracked sea salt
One bay leaf
100ml good sherry
100ml single cream
Olive oil
Melted butter

pork liver pate recipe
How to make Christmas Pate
First finely chop your onion, warm Olive oil in a pan on medium heat, and brown your onion.
Roughly chop your liver, and add it to your pan with the bay leaf, chilli and salt.
Cook the livers till their brown, but you still want them to be pink in the middle. Pull out the bay leaf and declare the pan with the sherry.
Once the sherry has reduced a little. Pop the mix into your food processor and blitz. Pour the cream in slowly til the mix resembles normal pate consistency.
homemade christmas gift recipes
Pour your pate into jars. I got four 230ml jars from this recipe. Top the mix with melted butter, and sprinkle on a few extra chilli flakes. This will help preserve your pate.
Once made your pate will keep in the fridge for 10 days, but as I like to make early and give as gifts I freeze the pate jars, to be thawed when needed.
I pop these pate in little baskets with a jar of homemade Chutney and bottle of wine to give to friends. It's a simple and inexpensive gift, but one that has a more personal touch than a shop bought gift.


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