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Baby friendly day out at Riverbourne Community Farm

Riverbourne Community Farm
Baby friendly days out don't get much better than a visit to a Farm.Last Sunday was open Farm day. It was a national event where local farms of all sizes opened their gates for the general public. We chose Riverbourne community Farm in Laverstoke. This post is featured on this week's Country Kids link up.
We've been to Riverbourne before.  They are a community farm and so are often running events with local families in mind.

The open Farm day this year was really something special though. As they extended the space of the event to include extra fields and exhibitors.
They had their usual Farm animals and that included 10 day old piglets. They were so adorable. They reinforced how keen I am to rear our own pigs as soon as we can rent some suitable woodland for them.  (Apparently the pub garden is a definitive no from my darling husband).
They had their barn bar open,  and lots of local producers showing.  I love browsing all the stalls of chutneys and homemade toiletries as it gives me lots of ideas of projects to do.
There was so much to see and do, dog agility,  bouncy castles and even free  microchipping by dogs Trust. But for us the best things of the day were:
1. This tractor. Oh the love of simple things. 

2. The pigs. Already mentioned I know but they were so lovely.

Laverstoke open farm day
3. The classic car owners who took time to show us their cars. 

4. Pond dipping 
Family friendly farm near Salisbury
5. The trailer ride around the Farm

6. Ferret racing (hopefully coming to our pub soon).

7. Time with the family- it was my aunts birthday so we all met up to celebrate. Babies and all. 

Well done to the team at Riverbourne for a wonderful day.

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