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Why I didn't take my husbands name

My wedding was a very special day.  It was exactly what I wanted. And so is my fabulous husband.
But I chose not to take on his name when we got married.
This isn't because I'm a modern feminist (far from it). Or because the paperwork is a nightmare (well maybe a little). Or even because I don't think it suits me (it doesn't).
The reason I refuse to take on his name is the same reason (I assume) that he chose not to adopt my maiden name, even in double barrel form.
That simple reason is I know who I am and my identity is my name.  That person bh (before husband) is not dead.  No longer is a woman  identified by who her husband is.  In a society where we are supposed to have it all, it just doesn't seem appropriate that a woman has to be the only one to rebrand.
I'm a happy full time mother and housewife, while my husband works to support us.  We are a very old fashioned household.  My husbands only chores are taking out the rubbish and heavy lifting. I'm very happy with this set up. It's the life I wanted. 
But once upon a while ago I worked in marketing.  I learnt that brand is everything.  My name is my brand, it has a sentimental value beyond any photograph or letter. It is thousands of memories and images subsided by two words. My own personal brand is not something I am willing to let go of.


  1. Thank you for this post. I am engaged but feel exactly the same as you. However I have been surprised at the negative reaction that I have had from lots of people when I tell them of my choice.


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