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Showing posts from August, 2015

Not spending was going well....

I portioned all our food stock down and organised it, cleaned all the cupboards. I even made my own oat and coconut milk. Saturday, Sunday and Monday were all spend free. Until real life happened. My babies have both developed colds, resulting in a grumpy toddler and a very much attached new born. Then my husband threw his back out down the allotment. Poor sod can barely walk. So today. We did something shady, we bough convenience food. I caved. It was pretty stupid because A- I don't feel good about it ethically speaking B- it didn't provide my family with a balanced meal C- it didn't really satisfy that yearning of the soul on a bad day for a good meal. I must remember: happiness is a state of mind.

I do not need to buy anything

I'm a verbal processor, and thanks to this blog and social media, I have a whole new way of chatting out my personal issues. After four years business is finally comfortable and we've been blessed to have our money stress finally taken care of. This improved cash flow has been burning quite a hole in my pocket. The grass has constantly been greener, and my life will be so much better once I buy x, y , z (then is the same) . So today I'm telling myself off, in an effort to get back to just enjoying my blessings. I do not need to buy anything to be happy. I do not need coffee out. I do not need any more dry goods I do not need more gardening tools or homeward. I do not need to buy any food - I have freezer, cupboards and allotment. I'm challenging myself to make do and not buy anything for a week. Blog posts to follow- wish me luck